For the sake of my friends, colleagues, and clients who have asked me to share my thesis I am publishing a series of articles as a summary, written in a more reader-friendly way, and will include content I was grieved to not have been able to fit in given the word count constraints. If I could do this writing project again, I would publish two prior papers so I could, in the final thesis refer back to those papers and save a great deal of space, and thereby do better at explaining all that I had discovered.

I was involved in a coaching psychology program therefore coaching was the form of professional helping that my thesis needed to focus on, but it was apparent from my research that these ideas would apply to other forms of professional helping – psychotherapy, counseling, teaching, nursing, etc. – and this is the view I would like the reader to have as they go through it.

In this first edition of these summaries, I will not put in the citations and bibliography and will aim to come back and develop footnotes for each section.


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